About Us » Principal's Letter

Principal's Letter

July 29, 2024

Dear HFCS Parents and Guardians:

I hope and pray you are enjoying a restful and rejuvenating summer and are looking forward to the school year ahead.  I want to extend a warm welcome to all of our current and new students and families.  We have been busy planning for an exciting new year and look forward to seeing everyone in late August.

As we embark upon a new year of learning and growth, I’ve been reflecting on how we are called to be Christ's hands and feet in the world, seeking to spread His love and goodness wherever we go. With that in mind, I have chosen the theme of Charity and Community, along with the “Goodness of God” as this year’s school song.  It is important to celebrate the boundless goodness of God that surrounds us each day and reflect God's love and goodness to one another through our actions, words, and deeds.  Let us embrace this theme and song as guiding principles for the school year ahead, inspiring us to be Christ’s living witnesses to others.

As a Catholic school, we are more than just an educational institution, we are a family. Building a robust and supportive community fosters a sense of belonging and mutual respect. Your involvement enriches our community and sets a powerful example for your children.

We have an exciting year ahead as we prepare for our Design for Excellence (DFE) Accreditation visit in October.  Our faculty and staff have worked hard on our DFE self-study over the past year, and we appreciate and value your input from the parent surveys and PTO town hall meeting held in the Spring.  Reading through the manual this summer, I was filled with a sense of pride in our school and our accomplishments. All we have achieved would not be possible without dedicated faculty, staff, parents, and students.

I am excited to introduce the newest members of our faculty and staff, who will be wonderful additions to our team. Ms. Sofia Recinos is our new full-time kindergarten assistant. She is eager to join Holy Family and nurture our young falcons.  Mrs. Michelle Grobs, will be serving as our 1st-grade instructional assistant.  She previously worked for Holy Family as a preschool assistant and, most recently, as a preschool substitute teacher.  Ms. Jennifer Housden, is our new 2nd-grade instructional assistant and Extended-Day Director. She is excited to bring her faith and teaching experience to our school community.  We hope to announce our 3rd-grade teacher in the next few weeks.

Our school building continues to undergo significant updates and improvements. New windows, which provide better insulation, have been installed throughout the building, along with new blinds. By August 14th, new bleachers will be installed allowing for greater seating capacity and enhanced enjoyment of our gym. Finally, our cafeteria kitchen is getting a makeover with new floors, cabinets, and appliances. 

We have recognized the need to strengthen our learning resource department to meet the needs of our diverse student learners and provide additional instructional support to our faculty.  Our resource team will work closely with teachers and students to develop continuity in our curriculum and instruction and build upon already strong teaching practices as we strive for academic excellence while helping form the hearts and minds of young people.

Our mission has always been to provide a diverse, Christ-centered environment where every child grows in wisdom, knowledge, and grace. Let us strive for excellence in all we do, fostering a love for learning and a deep understanding of God's presence in our lives.I look forward to a beautiful year filled with growth, learning, and the joy of witnessing God's goodness in our school community. I appreciate your commitment to Catholic education and to our school. I look forward to beginning another exciting year with you, where Together We SOAR!

God bless you and your families,
Sarah Chevlin